I am trying to print checks from my new printer using QuickBooks Pro 2017 but it does not print correctly

After setting up my new printer when I try to print checks from QuickBooks software the alignment does not seem to be in place on the check stock. Everything else outside of QuickBooks prints just fine. Need help.

Asked on June 4, 2018 in Troubleshooting.
2 Answer(s)

Hi Michael,

Let me introduce myself first, I represent a Consulting firm where I have been working on QuickBooks Pro to review and manage our books. A few days ago our printer went bad and I had to buy a new one and guess what? I was in the same trouble you are in. So below few steps, I tried:

  1. Run QuickBooks pdf and print repair tool
  2. Then re-open QuickBooks and try to print a sample check
  3. If it still does not solve your problem, then try to repair QuickBooks Pro
  4. If even that does not help, then you might have to delete or rename the QB print file which is normally located in the application directory.

If after following the above steps your issue is still not resolved, then you might have to seek professional advice, probably a techie person who help you modify the printer settings as per the Printer’s Make & Model. You can contact to Certified Quickbooks ProAdvisor.

Good Luck!

Answered on June 5, 2018.

Hello David, I appreciate your response, I printed a test check after following the above steps, which looks to be printing okay, then tried to print a batch of checks but they are still not printing correctly.

Answered on June 11, 2018.

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