How to resolve QuickBooks Error OL-222 while importing .QBO file in QuickBooks for Mac?

When downloading or importing a .QBO file from my financial institution, I am getting error message occurs (OL-222) or nothing happens in my Mac.

Asked on February 5, 2019 in Banking.
1 Answer(s)

Hi Christie,


Thank you for posting your question on our forum. I will be glad to assist you with your problem. I can understand that keeping your transactions updated in your QuickBooks is very important. If we miss any of the transaction it can create a lot of problems. QuickBooks Error OL-222 can happen because QuickBooks didn’t receive a valid response from the financial institution’s server. An error occurred in the server response. This might have happened because of one or more characters in the .QBO file that is not supported with the Open Financial Exchange (OFX) standard for exchanging financial data with QuickBooks. This may also happen if the download .QBO file is formatted incorrectly and needs to be fixed by the Financial Institution.

QuickBooks was not able to complete your request. Please contact your financial institution. (OL-222)

If your financial institution support .QBO format and you are getting an error (OL-222) in your Mac you need to follow these steps.

First Step:

    1. Update Quickbooks software to latest release


    1. Create a backup of your Quickbooks Company file


    1. Import .QBO file


Second Step:

Please check if the is any invalid character &amp. If there is an invalid character edit the .QBO file in text edit and remove all invalid characters. It will allow QuickBooks to properly import the files.

If you facing any problem in formatting please contact your bank or our QuickBooks Certified Advisors.  Your financial institution should be aware of that QuickBooks follow a set of OFX guidelines. If your bank does not follow these guidelines then you will not be able to import those .QBO file download.

Third step:

Download a new FIDIR.txt file

(Note: Before performing this step make sure you create a backup of your company file)

    • Check the version of your QuickBooks for Mac so that you download the correct file.


    • Download the FIDIR.txt file and save it on your desktop


    • Move the old FIDIR.txt to the Trash and empty it.



o    FIDR # 1


            1. Press the Option key and from the Finder menu bar, select Go > Library.


            1. Browse the Download folder (Application Support/ after opening the users Library folder.


            1. Drag FIDIR.txt to the Trash.


            1. Empty the Trash.







o    FIDR # 2


            1. From the top menu bar, choose Go > Applications.


            1. Press the Control key then select QuickBooks 20XX.


            1. In the contextual menu, select Show Package Contents.


            1. In the new window that opens, double-click the Contents folder.


            1. Open the Resources folder.


            1. Find the “FIDIR.txt” file and drag it to the Trash.


            1. Empty the Trash.







    • Copy and Paste the new FIDIR.txt file that you saved on the Desktop into both the Resources and Downloads folder in Step 2.


    • Import the .QBO file.



Please make sure to follow the steps properly. If you are unable to do it please call our QuickBooks Pro Advisor team. They will be happy to help you with your QuickBooks.

Answered on February 20, 2019.

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