Unable to download transaction in my QuickBooks

I am getting an error while downloading transactions in my QuickBooks from my Bank

Asked on August 9, 2018 in Banking.
1 Answer(s)

Hi Fernando!

Thanks for posting on our forum.

This is an interesting issue you have come across in QuickBooks. We do not receive complaints about this sort of problem often; are you sure you have downloaded the latest patches, and that your software is fully up to date? If you have then do try reaching out to our QuickBooks Desktop Help Phone Number, and they will give you the best possible way to proceed, with comprehensive explanations in a personalized manner.

That’s not all though if you still wish to attempt solving the issue on your own, here are a few basic and quick solution methods you can try first:

        • Running manual updates for your banking feature.
                • Select Banking from the toolbar.





                • Click on the update button.





                • Do this at least two more times, and observe the result.





                • Attempt to redownload your original transactions.









        • Verify that your banking login details are correct.
                • Go to your bank’s website.





                • Enter your credentials.





                • See if there is any login issue that you face.








These methods are very basic and do not address the root of the problem. This is why we still recommend that you contact IT professionals to resolve it for you.

Hope this helps.

Cheers! ~

Answered on October 12, 2018.

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