Being very new to QuickBooks Desktop Payroll, I am looking for QuickBooks Payroll Report by Pay period. Can someone quickly help on this?

I have been using Sage50 in my previous organization and QuickBooks Online a little bit for its one subsidiary. Although the core bookkeeping is taken care by a dedicated bookkeeper. Me as an office coordinator would more be involved in assuring compliance and statutory aspects. Certainly, the requested QuickBooks Payroll Report by Pay Period and the allied ones would help to meet my designated requirements. However, I explored things on my own but grasping them is a bit challenging. Any useful link or a PDF document for the same is highly appreciated. Thanks.

Asked on June 20, 2019 in QuickBooks Payroll.
1 Answer(s)

Hi Nathan,

Good to see you here on our QuickBooks Community. I am glad to help you with QuickBooks Payroll Reports. I will also enclose some resources to thoroughly guide you through. Off course, the Payroll Summary Reports are helpful and you can further narrow them down with the help of filters as you need them. The QuickBooks Payroll Summary Report includes Sick & Vacation time, Report by Pay period, Employee Wages, Adjustments, and Tax deductions. You can further pull as per your Pay Cycle (Weekly, Bi-Weekly, Monthly, or Bi-Monthly). For your supervision and administrative use, the following reports are also available:

    1. QuickBooks Payroll Tax Liability Report


    1. QuickBooks Payroll Tax Payment Report


    1. QuickBooks Wage and Tax Summary Report


    1. QuickBooks Workers Compensation Report


    1. QuickBooks Vacation and Sick Leave time report


    1. QuickBooks Total Payroll Cost Report


    1. QuickBooks Payroll Bill Summary Report


These are the major QuickBooks Payroll Summary Reports that you would sleep on the most. Now let me make you aware of navigation perspective with a related blog with infographics placed on the bottom. I am sure, this will help you a lot in order to pull the QuickBooks Payroll Reports with ease and grace whenever you need them.

Article Link: Payroll Summary Reports in QuickBooks

Answered on June 21, 2019.

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