Error: C=272 in QuickBooks while trying to Process Payroll

Whenever I am trying to process payroll in QuickBooks Desktop 2018 it crashes with Error Code C=272

1 Answer(s)

Usually, QuickBooks error c=272 occurs when:

  1. Verify or Rebuild utility encounters a target “bit set” that is outside of the anticipated range.
  2. Running a memorized report that was created in an earlier version of QuickBooks and did not transmute properly.

Now in order to fix QuickBooks Error C=272, you would be required to perform basic data damage troubleshooting, however you should keep below things in mind:

  1. Do not update your QuickBooks to a new version : Updating QuickBooks to a new version cannot fix data damage and can make data damage very, very, difficult to fix.
  2. Backup your company data file: We can give a new filename to avoid overwriting previous backups.
  3. Do these steps only on the computer on which your file is stored(Main Server): Never run any tool on your company file if in case it is stored on your network.
  4. If you want to copy your file, copy the entire folder thet holds your company data file(.QBW): The folder contains supporting files needed by the .qbw file and its customized details as well like network file and personalized templates etc.
  5. Do not run the condense data utility(.QBW): It can damage your file beyond repair and you will never be able to recognize that error was in you condensed data or current data.
Answered on July 18, 2018.

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