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How to Resolve TurboTax Error 65535?

turbotax error 65535

TurboTax users may encounter TurboTax error 65535 anytime while using the software. The error pops up on the system screen, when its users install or download TurboTax on their Windows devices, but fail to perform it because of an unexpected error arrival. The issue can occur in any of the Windows Operating System, such as Windows 7, 8, 10 or Windows Vista and XP. Furthermore, there could be other possible reasons behind the occurrence of the error. A lot of issues start taking place just after the occurrence of the error. And, in this manner, it ultimately stops your device to perform tax tasks properly.

Before moving for the next step, let’s know the common causes behind the occurrence of TurboTax error code 65535.

Causes of TurboTax Error 65535

You may experience these issue while using TurboTax:

  1. When your system is affected by the corrupted software installation.
  2. Another reason is the corrupted Windows registry.
  3. Incomplete or unauthentic installation of the software.
  4. Virus or malware attack on your system.
  5. The infected file is corrupting the entire software or OS.

These are the common factors due to which unexpected error code can take place on your system. TurboTax installation error 65535 is resolvable via. these troubleshooting steps.

Let’s take a look at the solutions of the error TurboTax 65535 that occurs in Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, and 10.

Fix TurboTax Error 65535 in Windows XP and Vista

Perform these steps if the error has occurred in Windows Vista and XP:

  1. To begin with, check that you are logged in to the Windows XP.
  2. In case any online backup is running on your Window XP or Window Vista, immediately disable it before moving ahead to the third step.
  3. Next, you have to disable antivirus programs and firewall programs.
  4. After that, perform the installation, re-installation or update the TurboTax software.
  5. Finally, make certain to re-enable the antivirus programs, firewalls, or online backup.

Fix TurboTax Error Code 65535 on Windows 7

Implement these steps if you are confronting installation error on your Windows 7:

  1. Initially, you have to log into the Windows 7 system as an administrator.
  2. Secondly, disable all the security software and back up options.
  3. Then, you have to install or update TurboTax.
  4. Last but not the least, re-enable security and backup features.

Fix Error 65535 on Windows 8

These steps are recommended, to resolve the error on your Windows 8:

  1. To start with, you need to click on the “Taskbar” option.
  2. Now, you have to go to the “task manager” section.
  3. Then, click on the “more details” option.
  4. You have to click on the “service” tab button.
  5. In case you see the misserver status showing “running,” on your system screen, wait for some time till Windows 8 is done with installing another program or file.
  6. After the installation process gets finished, re-install or install TurboTax on your system.
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Fix TurboTax Error code 65535 on Windows 10

Follow the step by step instructions to overcome the constant error code trouble on your Windows 10:

  1. First of all, you have to click on the “taskbar” option.
  2. Then, you need to go to the “task manager” option.
  3. After that, search for the “Intuit update service”.
  4. Now, click on the “end process” tab.
  5. Next, click on the “details” option.
  6. And, you have to search for “exe” file.
  7. Close the taskbar.
  8. Finally, update or re-install the TurboTax software.

With the assistance of the aforementioned steps, you can troubleshoot TurboTax error 65535 on time.


Hopefully, the blog has given you the detailed information of the possible TurboTax error 65535 causes. Moreover, the solutions are explained to you so that you can implement them whenever you come across TurboTax issues. The relevant solutions will easily solve the unwelcomed software errors.

If TurboTax error 65535 is still creating a hurdle while performing tax tasks, then dial Toll-Free TurboTax Support Phone Number.

Frequently Asked Questions
Q1: If TurboTax error 65535 doesn’t get fixed by implementing the steps, then what will be my next step?

A: In such case, you need to immediately contact TurboTax professionals by contacting us.

Q2: To whom I should reach if I have more queries related to TurboTax error?

A: You can dial TurboTax Phone Number to get the instant answer related to your error query.

Q3: Can I get connected with the live expert team to ask error solutions related to TurboTax tax software?

A: Yes, you can easily get connected with them by dialing a toll-free phone number as they are available 24/7 for assistance.

Q4: What are the other modes of communication with the expert team to discuss solutions for TurboTax error?

A: The user of TurboTax can take the assistance of live chat support, email, and phone call to discuss the same.

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At QAsolved, we are a team of skilled professionals dedicated to delivering unparalleled accounting and bookkeeping services. With backgrounds in finance and technology, our collaborative efforts focus on providing practical solutions and guidance. Our services are tailored for a range of businesses, covering advisory, CFO services, bookkeeping, and financial systems consulting. QAsolved is an award-winning consulting firm and Intuit’s #1 QuickBooks Reseller Partner. We offer comprehensive QuickBooks services, including consulting, integration, migration, maintenance, data conversion, training, and support, among other services. Over the years, we have assisted over 30K customers across various industries with their Intuit products.

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