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How to Resolve TurboTax Error 1603?

turbotax error 1603

In case you are receiving error 1603: ‘A fatal error occurred during installation or updating’, then maybe it is arising due to the Microsoft .NET Framework Installer. You will see the error message on your PC when the installer is unable to install or update the app. Before fixing TurboTax error 1603, you need to find its reasons and then follow the solutions to troubleshoot it.

Causes of TurboTax Error 1603

These are some of the reasons for the software’s error:

  1. Probably, the error occurred due to the corrupted windows files and folder permission.
  2. It might be possible that TurboTax install error 1603 is taking place because of the damaged windows registry key permissions.
  3. Maybe, TurboTax subscription period has expired.
  4. TurboTax error code 1603 may arise in case the downloaded TurboTax software is not compatible with your computer system.
  5. Virus and malware threats could be the possible reason for this error code.
  6. It might be possible that you have low memory space in your system hard disk.
  7. The error may pop up on your system if you are not logged in as the administrator.
  8. The system has some manufacturing defects.
  9. You may come across the error code in case the windows update is interrupted by the other security software like Avast or AVG.

Also Read: How to Troubleshoot TurboTax Error 5639?   

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Steps to Fix TurboTax Error Code 1603

Follow these instructions step by step to fix error code 1603:

  1. Firstly, you need to temporarily disable security software.
  2. Secondly, you have to uninstall the TurboTax.
  3. Thirdly, you need to reinstall the TurboTax on your PC.
  4. Now, you have to click on the setup file.
  5. You need to click on the troubleshoot compatibility With this wait for some time for the PC to detect the program.
  6. Next, you have to click on worked in a previous version on windows option.
  7. You need to click on Windows 7 RTM or preferable Windows Vista SP2.
  8. You have to click on the next.
  9. Thereafter, click on the start.
  10. You need to wait till the installation process gets over.
  11. Finally, click on the finish.


Hopefully, you have got an idea of the TurboTax install error 1603 occurrences. The blog has mentioned different causes of this error. Besides, the steps by step solution are given to resolve the software’s error.

If you are still not able to fix TurboTax error 1603, then dial the Toll- Free TurboTax Support Phone Number.


Q1 What to do if I am still not able to troubleshoot TurboTax 1603 after following the given steps?

A: In such a case you need to promptly dial a TurboTax Toll-Free Support Phone Number.

Q2 What I am supposed to do in case the given solutions in the blog don’t work?

A: If you are not able to overcome the specific error, you need to contact the professionals of the TurboTax.

Q3 Do I need to pay the amount for taking TurboTax support?

A: Yes, you have to pay the amount for taking TurboTax support.

Q4 What I am supposed to do in case I want tech support from my home?

A: You can get tech support at your home by dialing a toll-free TurboTax support phone number.

Q5 How to fix other issues related to the software?

A: You don’t need to go anywhere for this. TurboTax professionals can get instant tech support without any hassle by dialing a toll-free phone number.

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